Rorschach Corporation ئاپەکان

ValorAPP ¿Cuanto vale mi app? 1.0
Rorschach Corporation
Con esta sencilla herramienta podrás tenerunaidea de cuánto dinero aproximadamente puede generar unaaplicacióna través de publicidad o a través de su venta en GooglePlay, comotambién puedes tener una idea del valor total de mercadode unaaplicación. Al introducir un par de variables podrás tenerunestimado de cuánto dinero puedes generar con una aplicaciónquetengas en mente.With this simple toolyoucan get an idea about how much money you can build anapplicationthrough advertising or through sale on Google Play, asyou can alsoget an idea of ​​the total market value of anapplication. Whenentering a couple of variables you can have anestimate of how muchmoney you can generate an application you havein mind.
Touch The Color 2 1.0
Rorschach Corporation
Touch The Color 2 is a game that will helpyouto improves your attention and your response velocity. Thegameconsists in touch the only that have a lighter color than therest.On the game you will find buttons that contains a bonus withlivesor a times bonus that will make the game slower for a while.Trynot to confuse the buttons and touch the right. The game'svelocitywill inscrease constantly. When you don't touch the buttonin thetime lapse and when you touch a wrong button, you will lose alife.But if you touch a bonus button you won't lose lives.
Magia Fácil 1.1
Rorschach Corporation
Magia Fácil es una excelente aplicaciónparatodo aquel que le llame la atención la magia y el ilusionismoydesee aprenderlo o simplemente saciar la curiosidad de comoserealizan los trucos. Podrás sorprender a tus amigos y familiaresenreuniones y fiestas, ser el centro de atención a donde quieraquevayas y quien sabe... quizás puedas convertirte en elpróximoHoudini.Magia Fácil está desarrollada con una mezcla entreexcelentecontenido muy didáctico y fácil de aprender, y unainterfaz graficaamigable y muy agradable a la vista.Características:• Podrás tener 10 trucos agregados en la sección de favoritosala vez.• Los trucos están separados en categorías, puedesvisualizarlostodos o una categoría en especifico.• Cada título cuenta con una imagen que hace referencia alacategoría del truco, facilitando diferenciar entre losdiferentestipos al visualizarlos todos a la vez.• Además, constantemente serán subidos nuevos trucos.Easy Magic is anexcellentprogram for anyone who catches your eye magic andillusion and wantto learn or just satisfy curiosity about how thetricks are done.You can amaze your friends and family gatheringsand parties, beingthe center of attention wherever you go and whoknows ... maybe youcan become the next Houdini.Easy Magic is developed with a mixture of excellentveryeducational and easy to learn content, and auser-friendlygraphical interface and very pleasing to the eye.Characteristics:• You can have 10 tricks added in the favorites section atatime.• The tricks are separated into categories, you can view them allora specific category.• Each game features an image that refers to the category oftrick,facilitating differentiate between different types to displaythemall at once.• Also, constantly they are uploaded new tricks.
SafeStalk 1.0
Rorschach Corporation
Have you given a like to an 200 weeksoldpublication in instagram accidentaly? You not want anyone knowthatyou are in instagram?With this app, all this situations will be in the past.WhenSafeStalk is enable it's block the like button and thedouble-tap.It's easy and safe to use, !AND ONLY WEIGHTS 2MB!. Youdont need tosig in or log in. With a couple of clicks you will beable to useit. From now you can safe stalking without the fear ofbediscovered. Stalking never was so safe...You choice, Like Blocker or by discovered?How it's works?1) Download the app.2) Open SafeStalk.3) Touch the "Start" button.5) That's it!. You will see an icon in the top right corner.Whenthe padlock is open the like's are enabled. When you touch it,thepadlock will lock, then the like's will be disabled.6) To stop SafeSatlk you have to long press the top rightcornericon or go to the app and touch the "Stop" button.Recommendations• Before you use it in a real targe test it in your own picturestocheck that all is okay.• If your phone is to slow the app could fail. Please always dotheprevious step.
Misterios 1.0
Rorschach Corporation
¿Te gustan los misterios? Aqui podrasencontrarlos mas interesantes misterios conocidos por el hombre,algunos yarevelados otros aun por revelar. Diseñado con unainterfaz amigablee intuitiva que complemente perfectamente elcontenido.• Podrás tener 10 articulos agregados en la sección defavoritosa la vez.• Los articulos están separados en categorías, puedesvisualizarlostodos o una categoría en especifico.• Nuevos articulos serán subidos constantemente.Do you likemysteries?Here you can find the most interesting mysteries known toman, andrevealed some other yet to be revealed. Designed with afriendlyand intuitive interface that perfectly complements thecontent.• Can you have 10 added items in the favorites section atatime.• The articles are separated into categories, you can view themallor a specific category.• New items will be uploaded constantly.